How We Worship

The United Methodists of Baytown & Mont Belvieu worship every Sunday at 11:00 AM. We are a brand new church without a permanent building. Currently, we worship at a temporary location north of I-10, near the NE corner of E Wallisville Road and N Main Street. We worship in a relaxed environment that encourages you to come as you are. We are a family friendly, multicultural, multigenerational church that loves to welcome visitors with unconditional Christian love and we fully embrace ALL people.

How We Worship

During worship, you will experience traditional hymns, contemporary Christian music, gospel songs, the historical creeds of church, Scripture reading, prayer, Holy Communion, infant and adult baptisms, and a sermon exalting God’s love and grace. We encourage those gathered to participate in every aspect of worship and ALL who are present are invited to receive Holy Communion.

Because of space limitations, we don’t provide childcare at this time. However, we love noisy children “for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.” -Luke 18:16. Therefore, we welcome the noise!

If you are interested in a fast growing church that serves the community, reads the Bible faithfully and worships God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit joyfully, please consider worshiping with the United Methodists of Baytown & Mont Belvieu.

For location information and any other questions, please contact Pastor Luis at or 713-819-1232.